
UTC - Chapters 6-10

When slave trading Mr. Haley discovered his property had gone missing, he immediately tried to pursue it. However, Stowe added humor to the story through a predicament. With their mistress's prompting, two slaves, Sam and Andy, played tricks on Mr. Haley's horse. The delay allowed Eliza and Harry to get further away from his new master. Eliza, because she was a quadroon, appeared to be a lady out on business. She reached the Ohio River, but because of ice on the river, she was forced to stay in a tavern until a boat could get through. Mr. Haley was finally able to begin his search but was tricked by Sam and Andy into taking the wrong road. Mr. Haley eventually reached the tavern but Sam "accidentally" lost his hat, causing a ruckus that allowed Eliza and her son to quickly escape across the dangerous, icy river. In chapter eight, Stowe introduced two new characters, Loker and Marks, who agreed to search for Haley's lost property. Again, Stowe mirrored the character's personality in his appearance. Loker was large and sturdy with a seemingly unmovable heart. Marks was small and suspicious, like a mouse. Sam the slave recalled the events of Eliza's escape in an exaggerated fashion for the edification of the rest of Shelby's slaves. Stowe developed the Bird household to allow the reader to understand the characters but, because they only appeared in chapter nine, she didn't reveal too much detail. Stowe, in this chapter, began one of several "attacks" on the reader's heart. Tom attempted to calm his wife's fears to no avail. Haley carried off Uncle Tom and had some fetters altered to fit his new slave's legs. Young Master George Shelby talked with Tom and gave him a silver dollar, which hung around Tom's neck for most of his life. George also promised to buy Tom back as soon as was financially possible.

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