
Cabbage soup vs Chipotle

So I was eating lunch with some co-workers today.  It was fun and we discussed things like "what would aliens think of our government fighting internally between elephants and donkeys?"  But then someone said that blogs are a waste of time and people should read books instead.  I was offended by that.  My friend Mrs M is an avid blogger and I so enjoy her insights on love, loss, life, laughter, and alliteration. She has a great perspective that I wish I could emulate. She's always encouraged me toward godliness and intelligence.  She's also the reason I have written somewhat more frequently on this blog since this time last year.  Now, if my good friend Mrs M were to write a book, I would definitely read it.  But I hope that it would be filled with short stories about her life experiences, each with a golden nugget of wisdom or funny outcome.  Because that is how I think of Mrs M.  She's not a drawn out single purpose tale, but a collection of adventures that always delight...

...but what WOULD aliens think of our politics?

1 comment:

The Resident Writer said...

I know this Mrs.M. She is an avid blogger, and steadily becoming more so. If you have chanced upon her blog lately, you will notice she is aggressively trying to get more exposure for her blog. I definitely think that Mrs.M considers her blog to be her book, her novel, her life's great work. Book authors don't get comments, and comments are fun.