
Quote of the Month: December 2005

"You will never know that Jesus is all you need until Jesus is all you have." Don Green One cannot fully depend on Christ until one is stripped of all one has. No sinner will come to repentence if he still relies on something. When a sinner comes to a pit where all he has ever held onto, all he's ever trusted, all he's ever hoped in is gone, then, and then alone, can he see his need for a savior.

1 comment:

The Resident Writer said...

This is fun, since I don't know your name, I can only guess from your profile who you may be. I know we go to the same church, the same fellowship group, even. Your interests all sound very interesting, and I'd be willing to bet that we are friends-maybe you've even been to my house-several times, and maybe we go to the same Bible Study and have gone to Starbucks together. Maybe I'll get the nerve to ask you to identify yourself someday-or maybe it's more fun to keep some mystery in our lives.